Sunday, July 26, 2015

Paul's Third Journey: Acts 18:18-21:16

Craft: Cross charms

Just as Demetrius sold shrines of Artemis, we can carry the cross with us, not to gain God's favor but as a witness to others.

Supplies: Plastic canvas, 1/16th-in. ribbon, lanyard clips.

Cut out cross shapes from plastic canvas.  (You can buy precut shapes, but the price increase is astronomical over cutting out your own shapes from a large sheet.  All it costs you is time.)  I cut each arm 4 squares across, and the cross is 16 squares tall.

Cut 18-inch lengths of ribbon, and tie a lanyard clip on one end.

Give the shapes and ribbons to the children and show them how to start at the middle top and lace around the edges.

When they are finished, tie the loose end to the lanyard clip.  The charms can now be clipped onto backpacks or belt loops.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Paul's First Journey: Acts 13:1-15:35

Craft: Clothespin airplanes

Paul traveled by foot and by boat, but missionaries today often travel by airplane to take the Gospel to far-off places!

Supplies: Clothespins, craft sticks, mini craft sticks, wire-edged ribbon, glue dots, fishing line.

Cut 6-inch lengths of wire-edged ribbon.  On one side, write "Pray for missions!"  On the other side, write "Psalm 96:3."

Cut 12-inch lengths of fishing line and tie a loop in one end as a hanger.

Give each child a clothespin, a ribbon, 2 craft sticks, 1 mini craft stick, and glue dots.  Show them how to attack the craft sticks with the glue dots to make the clothespin into an airplane.  Have them clip the end of the ribbon in the clothespin to make a banner for the airplane to pull.

String the end of the fishing line through the metal ring of the clothespin and tie it so that it can be hung as a reminder to pray for missionaries.