Sunday, April 10, 2016

Achan's Sin and the Defeat of Ai: Joshua 7-8

Craft: Achan's tent

We can't hide our sin from God!

Supplies: construction paper, wash cloth, sandpaper, patterned felt, foil, gold craft foam, mounting tape, glue, Sharpie, hole punch

Write the Bible verse on the top of the construction paper.  Cut the wash cloth in half diagonally; then make a slit from the cut side to the opposite corner to make the tent flaps.  Cut a rectangle from sandpaper and a strip of mounting tape.  Cut a small robe shape from the patterned felt and a rectangle from the craft foam, and use the hole punch several times on aluminum foil to make silver circles.

Instruct the children to place the mounting tape on their construction paper.  Next to it they should glue the silver circles and the craft foam bar.  Then, direct them to put glue only on the neck of the robe and place it so it covers the foil circles and can be lifted up from the hem to reveal them.  Stick the sandpaper rectangle to the mounting tape to cover everything else.

Next, instruct the children to put glue along the finished edges of the washcloth and glue it over everything else as the tent.  To find the stolen goods Achan hid, open the tent flaps and look under the sand.

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